Thursday, 8 March 2012


Which is the best book or novel you ever read? Ever being to a book shop filled with interesting books? Have you ever wondered how books are written? Sure you have. Information is the only things to find around you except, if you are one month old. Books are very important, without books there will be no new information, no new skills and basically a state of stagnancy.
Book subjects cut across every subject; from house keeping to nuclear physics to humor, books could be 50 pages to even 10,000 pages. Do you have to be a genius to write a book? No. but it helps. You don’t have to be an authority on the subject you write about. In fact, many books in the information market are not even written by the authors, people donated the information to the authors and the authors made their millions from free information, that’s sweet.
Book writing is so profitable that it can make you a millionaire over night, that’s a fact, because with the invention of the internet, many internet millionaires are being born. In his book “being digital” Nicholas Negroponte said “the world is rapidly changing from moving things to atoms to moving digits or thoughts. Gone are the days of sending a book by snail mail, to send a book by the internet requires only the push of a bottom, imagine yourself pushing a button a million times in a day. Two things will happen; your account will get fat and your little finger will get a blister, a very sweet blister. There are even automated soft wares that help you do all the work so that you can sit back and relax. But, first you will have to write your book that, is where the work is.

First, you will have to decide what you want to write about, will it be a fiction, non-fiction, your life story, some amazing skill you have that, will benefit the world, a mistake you made that others can avoid or just compilation of quotes. In my own opinion everybody has a story to tell, a book to write, even a baby, (if it could remember its experience in the womb).

Second you will have to have a writing style that captivates your reader to buy your book and to recommend your book to others. To develop a unique writing style you will need to buy writing books, attend writing workshops and develop ideas.
I will have to admit, that, writing a book can be a difficult task, even, for experienced book writers. However, if you are able to write an interesting book you have struck gold. Income from book writing is described as residual, meaning it’s has the potential of making you and your generations rich. In another article, I will discuss how to make your book a success.
Thank you very much for reading this article.

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