Saturday, 3 March 2012


There is a big debate about weather it takes money to make money, some people believe that money can only be made with money, while others believe that you don’t need money to make money.
I ‘m on the opinion that it doesn’t take money to make money, but it takes brains, a strong drive to succeed, a principle base mission, a dream base on reality, being industrious and the right information. When a person has all of these things the money will come.
Author of rich dad poor dad, Robert kiyosaki  a new York times best seller had this to say, when ask weather it takes money to make money:
“Dose it take money to make money? I am frequently asked this question. The answer is, NO! in my opinion it has always being “NO”. my answer has always been “ it doesn’t take money to make money” it takes information and creativity to make as well as to keep money”.
With the rise of the information age many people are making a lot of money without even a penny in their pocket, building businesses without even a penny in their pocket. Frankly, the lack of money is not an excuse for not trying to make money. 
These simple but, not necessarily easy ways of making money without money. Two of them will be discussed in this article.
Making money is defined as finding a need and filling it. Many people are very busy but, have money to pay for things they cannot attend to. When providing services to people, the objective will be to find this need and fill it. By fulfilling the needs people in an effective way, a person can make big bucks.
Zig ziglar a renowned sales professional said “you can have anything thing you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want”.
Let me show you how profitable providing service to people is. In 2005 alone, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which is the annual value of all goods and SERVICES in America was $ 12.5 trillion. The GDP did not specify what kind of services where performed, it just totaled it. Providing services to people is a very profitable way of making money without money.

Sales and network marketing are also very profitable ways of making money without money, but many people may disagree with my opinion. People who hate rejection may find it hard to go into sales, and for people who know about the old business model of network marketing may also find it hard to go into it even, if they would like to make money. The old business model of network marketing in the 1960’s and 1970’s required people to stock pile their cars, trucks and garages with products, disturb their family, friends and neighbors to buy and  join the network marketing program. Soon no body liked them or associated with them, once family, friends and neighbors saw them, they saw products coming and a form to fill to join the network marketing program.
No need for that any more network marketing is now the ultimate money making machine, new network marketing corporations have  new business model that are design to help you succeed without you becoming the enemy of the public. And the sweet part about it is that you can start with no money, only with an inner drive to succeed.
2 things for successful sales and network marketing
·         Read all you can about sales and network marketing
·         Join a network marketing corporation for the education it provides rather than making money.

Thank you for reading this article.

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