Wednesday, 18 April 2012


What do you love doing? What are you passionate about? What is your talent?
What is a talent? A talent is an unusual natural ability to do something well and it can be developed through training. Everybody has a talent (even the Berger down the streets has a talent). Everybody is born with a talent an unusual natural ability. Even though we all have talents, not everybody is able to identify it in themselves. Because this unusual natural ability is often common to its owner, coupled with the fact that it’s usually underdeveloped.

Have you watched the movie X-MEN? (Hot action movie). The movie X-men features superhuman characters with, unique abilities. My favorite is a character called doctor X leader of the X-men, he can read minds. I wish I can read your mind now but, what will I see? hmm…….. . The movie is totally fictional as you know and our talents cannot be that spectacular. However, many people do things that seem supernatural to other people. For example; the computer or phone we all use is the product of very talented people. Over 200 years ago using a phone, computer or even electricity would be impossible; in fact, thinking of such ideas-a phone that used to talk to another person in another part of the earth, a computer or even electricity-would be insane. But, the talented scientist of the past believed it was possible to invent a phone, computer, electricity and many other inventions, they loved what they did, they were passionate about it and made it happen. I say thank you them.

As stated earlier the sad thing about talent is the inability to recognize it. A very powerful talent, comparable to inventing a phone, computer, internet and electricity can lie dormant through out a person’s life. For example, I have this friend who constantly complaints about the obvious talents of others like singers, actors, comedians and spots people. He sees nothing special about himself. But, this is a guy that, if he enters a place for some unexplained reason everybody immediately likes him, I have tried to copy him, with much painful effort, yet I can’t seem to do it. Yet this guy feels he has no talent, this guy is such a social guy, he does it effortlessly. You will agree with me that, he has an amazing talent (his practically a one man social network). Yet he doesn’t recognize his ability as a talent, his heart recognizes it but his mind cannot see it.
A talent is an untapped gold mine, if you are able to recognize and develop it. A talent is usually something you love doing, a talent is something you do that all your friends talk about. It’s something that is so easy for you but very difficult for others. Your talent could be as simple as being able to keep white cloths, white for years or being able to naturally save money or being able to take care of animals There this guy on the national geographic channel that is so good with dogs, he can examine the behavior of your dogs and tell you if they are friends or enemies if they are sad or happy. That’s his talent. Talents come in different sizes, and different shapes. You can become very rich by using your talent productively. Harnessing the gold ore from it.

Identifying your talent is one thing developing your talent is another. In the next article in will discus how you can develop your talent.

Monday, 9 April 2012


Budget, the dreaded b-word (may be not to you, but to some people) making and sticking to budget is tedious work, it’s tedious because it requires two things: mental strength and self-control. (In a preceding article I gave what I believe are the benefits of self-control).
Why does making and sticking to a budget require mental strength and self-control? I think that, Budgeting requires knowing little about numbers, as well as trying to think into the future. These require mental strength. Budgeting also, requires controlling the natural physiological desires. This natural physiological desires to eat, sleep, attraction to what I see and to procreate, hmm….. These desires don’t come with and off and on buttons, the only way to on and off my desires is the mind, using the mind to initiate self-control. Because basically it’s easy to write a budget, I can  arrange my spending to the last penny, but will the natural desires I have allow a me to follow and stick to my  budget when I live in a “ world of stuff beckons” every product is attractive,  aimed at making me spend, spend. (I admit that, this is difficult for me to do).
In the book multiple streams of income by Robert Allen the 2nd edition (if you wish to get your financial life organized read that book, the information there is priceless) Allen outlines seven financial secrets, the second secret-to control money. He gives a simple principle, a simple shift in perspective- thinking of your cash flow (money coming to you) as streams and the money you spend as leaks. Controlling this streams and leaks is the essence of your personal financial organization.
A budget can help you become financially free, but a real budget is the level of self-control you have and ability of your mind to keep track of your spending. This may sound stressful, and many may decide to just go with the flow, making a lot excuses, like, I don’t have a head for math’s, my spouse takes care of that stuff, none of my friends do it (too bad for them). I think that, excuses will only help increase debt, I mean bad debt. There are people who will be deep in debt for years, and being in debt leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

thank you for reading this article.